Thursday, July 7, 2011

opposites attract

i've started reading the book men are from mars, women are from venus and already i am obsessed with it.
the below is a little of what i read last night. it is certainly true for my relationship. i am all about the feelings.    

life on mars

men value power, competency, efficiency and achievement. they are always doing things to prove themselves and develop their power and skills. their sense of self is defined through their ability to achieve results. they experience fulfilment primarily through success and accomplishment. they are more concerned with outdoor activities, like hunting, fishing and racing cars. they are interested in the news, weather and sports and couldn't care less about romance novels and self help books. they are more interested in 'objects' and 'things' than people and feelings.

life on venus

women have different values. they value love, communication, beauty and relationships. they spend a lot of time supporting, helping and nurturing one another. their sense of self is defined though their feelings and the quality of their relationships. they experience fulfilment through sharing and relating. they are more concerned with living together in harmony, community and loving cooperation. relationships are more important than work and technology. personal expression, especially of their feelings, is very important.

'in most ways, their life is the opposite of mars'

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