Tuesday, July 5, 2011

new home

a quick post before i head home after another long day at work. i've lost my internet usb so can't blog from home at the moment. the joys of moving! speaking of which, as you probably know i moved house on the weekend. the apartment i shared with anna in norman park was sold so we had to find somewhere new to live. she bought a place closer to the school that she teaches at and i made plans to live with matt and his two current housemates in a bigger and better place. even with our best laid plans, the closer we came to the moving date the more difficult things started to become. in the end it was all too stressful and i felt it wasn't worth making everyone move house for my sake and for what was potentially going to only be for six months anyway. i was only able to make this decision because i had the wonderful option of living with my equally wonderful friend beth. she has recently bought a town house in carina and has said from the beginning that i would be more than welcome. so that's why i sent her a text seeing if she still needed a housemate two days before i was due to move back in with matt for a few weeks while we secured a new house. from there everything just fell into place. she happened to be moving out the same weekend so her removalists where able to swing past my house on the way to hers and collect my bed and boxes. beth and her mum and her various helpers have done a beautiful job of cleaning and painting and fixing her new place up and although the living room is lacking some furniture at present it already feels like home. this weekend we are going to go to ikea together and get a few things. the kitchen is already perfectly decked out as she has been given lots of homewares as gifts over the years, especially for her 21st. it was like christmas day or the end of a engagement party unpacking and unwrapping everything! i couldn't be happier at the way things have worked out, i get to live with a close friend in a lovely place and matt and i now have more time to plan and save for our own move, just the two of us. everything really does seem to happen for a reason. p.s. letters with my new address will be coming soon!

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