Saturday, April 28, 2012

wintery stuff

the air has turned chilly these last few days
and despite being an eternal worshipper of the sun
i am actually loving the cold and rainy weather!
this is what i have been getting up to lately
and how i am staying warm and sung. 

wearing my gumboot style boots when it's wet
staying in bed for as long as possible (like now)
blasting the heater in the car as much as i like
asking for my morning coffee to be extra hot
wearing socks around the house and to bed 
reacquainting myself with my winter wardrobe
having hot milos (this happens most afternoons)
moving to warmer meals like soup for lunch
lusting over beautiful knits while window shopping
literally not removing my favourite scarf for two days straight
hibernating indoors with movies and no feelings of guilt
feeling the need to bake choc chip biccis and eat 
them straight out of the oven (this is happening today)
wearing earthier tones of blush and lip colour
drinking cups of peppermint tea at night time
taking extra hot showers in the morning
having porridge with brown sugar for breakfast
avoiding bright coloured clothing and opting for black
missing melbourne and my friends there
actually inserting my doona permanently rather than
continuing to use it as a throw occasionally on cooler nights
getting out of bed and jumping straight back in where it's still warm
wearing tights and long sleeves whenever possible
not exercising at all except for netball, which is indoors!
drinking a touch of red wine and half enjoying it
planning a trip to the ski fields of new zealand
having to hang all of my washing up inside because
of the rain and grey skies outside (sorry beth!)
lighting candles and having less lights so it's cosy
eating dark chocolate (this happens regardless of the weather)
burrowing down in bed and listening to the rain
and looking forward to lots of other wintery stuff
like iceskating and hot chocolate drinking and 
buying gorgeous winter woolies out of pure necessity...

time for that hot shower i think!
then off for a hot drink with kb and ng. 
happy saturday all. i hope you're rugged up and staying dry.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

cat napping

feeling oh so tired... a little bit like this!
(this is me, that is a real kitten, i want to relive this... now)
oh how i want a kitten who then grows into a cat!
in the meantime i have to pat strangers cats on the street.
i love visiting naomi in paddington as they are everywhere!
i drive extra slow through the streets at night just in case.
(so i don't run over one that is, not so i can cat-nap one)
the other day i was patting a really old but friendly guy.
i later realised that he was most likely a stray...
that kind of freaked me out, maybe am i too cat crazy? 
when i drive down our driveway there are always 
two cats in the neighbours window and i say
'hey kitties' in a weird voice.... ok i think i'm saying too much. 
i've got that drunk from tiredness feeling going on!
goodnight friends and fellow cat lovers. 
before i go i'll leave you with some cat wisdom...
'the principle business of life is to enjoy it'
i hope you are all doing exactly that!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

dvd store inspiration

apart from attending a dawn service and having a bite of breakfast, today has been pretty much spent in bed blogging and dvd watching! it's such a nice feeling to just do nothing on a weekday, especially when the sun isn't shining and you haven't had to call in sick or anything so you don't feel too guilty about it! this movie is super sweet so next time you are struggling to pick something from the dvd store, i recommend it! very funny, lots of actors you will recognise and a nice little message in it for everyone.

bf bday love

who doesn't love receiving a belated birthday present? i know i love them, it wouldn't matter if two weeks, two months or two years had passed (take note everyone...)! last week i came home to a package in the mail from the recently relocated miss burridge. (no really, that's practically her only name now that she is a prep teacher!) her gift was so perfect, a gorgeous metal bird bookmark, cat wisdom affirmation cards (which i love and look at daily!) and a set of little greeting cards featuring the beautiful and whimsical drawings of meredith gaston. love, love love! thank you for the birthday love my bf, especially for my card which read 'there are good friends, there are best friends, and there's you' on the outside and on the inside, 'you're in a class by yourself'. see you this weekend for a much needed catch up on your new world. ♥

a collection of words

here are some words i have collected over time. some are cliché, some are unique. if you know your quotes and sayings you might recognise ones from buddah, oscar wilde, peter pan, audrey hepburn, walt disney and marilyn monroe however most are unknown. they all meant something to me at one point in time, whether for me or someone close to me, and reading back over them many still speak to me. words like these (and so many more out there) can be so powerful, moving, motivating and uplifting. if only they stayed with us a little while longer after we had read them... 
oh and p.s. a few metaphors snuck their way into this post!

what you think you become...

what screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be...

if you look to others for fulfilment, you will never be truly fulfilled...

experience is simply the name we give our mistakes...

we are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think, when the mind is pure joy, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves...

don't let the past and useless details choke your existence...

if you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of the world. if you have money in the bank, your wallet, and some spare change you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy. if you woke up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. if you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture, or the horrible pangs of starvation you are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering. if you can read this message you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it at all.

be nice to people. it's a wonderful legacy to leave behind...

don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle...

learn to be alone, it helps you grow...

he is the richest who is content with the least...

love is like water. we can fall in it, we can drown in it and we can't live without it...

never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting...

everything will be okay in the end. if it's not okay, it's not the end...

i believe in pink. i believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. i believe in kissing, kissing a lot. i believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. i believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. i believe that tomorrow is another day and i believe in miracles.

life is short. break the rules. forgive quickly. kiss slowly. love truly. laugh uncontrollably. and never regret anything that made you smile...

life is like a mirror, smile and it smiles back at you...

live, don't just exist...

if you can dream it, you can do it...

every saint has a past and every sinner has a future...

i believe that everything happens for a reason. people change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

love a lot, trust a few, but always paddle your own canoe...

goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means i'll miss you until we meet again...

always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think...

follow your passion it knows where you should go, help people, explore, play, laugh, enjoy, move more, stress less, set and celebrate milestones, you have to put something out there to get something back, everything you want and need is up to you to make happen, carve a niche get it out there, make your own path, define what success looks like for you then go after it, do it now, collect experiences not things, ignore doubters even when they're in your own head, believe in yourself, simplicity is key, nourish your mind and body, take time out often, be your own hero, give yourself permission, trust your instincts, take one step at a time, leverage everything, build your days around what is important to you, when you're doing what you're passionate about you're making the world a better place, never stop learning and experimenting, the less you spend the more you have, be thankful, look at your goals every day. 

a man who does not think for himself, does not think at all....

live and let live...

everything happens for a reason...

ah, life!

just a post to let you know that the the fog in my head is clearing and the colours are returning. 
hooray! as much as i love them, i will spare you a metaphor... life is a roller coaster type stuff,
however i was having a bit of a sad month. everything seemed bleak and confusing.
i felt i had wandered from my path a little, not sure what direction i should be
taking with my career, my relationships, myself. i got so caught up in
worrying about all of that stuff i forgot to just 'be' and in the 
process i started to feel more and more miserable. 
with time and with the help of loved ones 
though, came perspective and now
i feel happy and positive 
once again.
ah, life!

p.s. the upside down triangle of words is in no way metaphoric!

ode of remembrance

they went with songs to the battle, they were young. 
straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow. 
they were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, 
they fell with their faces to the foe. 

they shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 
age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
at the going down of the sun and in the morning, 
we will remember them.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

friends absent

sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls; for, thus friends absent speak.
- john donne

missing my bff.
a care package and hand written letter will be sent to townsville very soon.
or hand delivered when she visits next week.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


more and more, i am starting to imagine the life i want and i am finally starting to take steps, only baby ones, towards it. it's exciting and it's giving me a new sense of purpose which is something i feel is missing from my life for the first time in a long time and it might be why i feel a bit lost of late. i'm no longer working towards something. i've always had an education to finish, a new job to start, a new city to move to, a city to move away from, a home to return to, a life to try and plan with matt. then one day recently i woke up and found myself stuck, not moving forward or where i thought i would be. the other night beth showed me a list that she wrote during a time when she was probably feeling much the same way as i have been. it was amazing to see just how many things she had achieved from that list since then. she had bought a unit, moved out of home, gone travelling overseas (twice), got her savings in order and she had done a million and one other things. it was so lovely to see her holding this bit of paper with scribbled notes all over it, written over a whole year or more ago, and to see almost everything crossed out. i'm going to do the same, imagine a new story for my life, write it down and then start living it. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

needing a new beginning

emotional pain or distress; sorrow; grief; anguish.

my heart is not wild.
i'm feeling very broken, all the time. 
when i wake up, when i go to sleep. 
it's hard to explain and it's the lowest i've ever felt. 
i just want the weight on my shoulders to lift.
and i want someone else to do the heavy lifting. 
i know this is just a moment in time and it will pass. 
i want to go back to being happy, carefree, positive and fun. 
instead i'm in a constant state of concern and uncertainty. 
i feel pressure in all aspects of my life but it's mostly coming from within. 
when did i start worrying so much about the future and stop living in the present? 
my head aches from so much thinking. 
and my heart aches even more. 
luckily, tomorrow is a new day.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

graduating from girl

i received so many beautiful gifts for my twenty firth birthday. funnily enough, the more i opened, the more apparent it became that i am now a woman in the eyes of my friends and family. i even received two books with the word 'women in the title! i might be over thinking things (i'm good at that) but i really love this little theory of mine because i've been waiting for years to feel more grown up. in the past twelve months i have done a lot of learning and growing and dare i say, a little bit of maturing, and maybe it shows. 
here are some of the lovely things i received from some of the lovely people in my life.

an afternoon of delectable high tea and a beautiful book about natural birth, featuring the birth stories of jade and lewis ♥ rachael

adorable letter writing set. i'm already planning on putting pen to paper and writing a letter to my grandma lois, thanking her for the beautiful easter dinner she made the family on sunday ♥ beth

a bottle of sauvignon blanc. i remember a time when i didn't like white wine so maybe in another few years i'll be able to say i like and drink red wine too ♥ donna

mayaltha products from the eumundi markets. these naturopathic and organic skin and body treatments are beautiful and i was lucky enough to receive a whole box of them. with names like better breasts and better cycles this certainly supports my theory. ♥ matthew and alyce


chocolate. need i say more? ♥ beth and ashley

women of letters is all about reviving the lost art of correspondence. it is a collection of letters penned by talented australian women and addressed to a series of themes (judith lucy wrote a hilarious letter to 'the night i'd rather forget'). i started this book on the weekend and it's already looking very loved thanks to my penchant for reading by the pool after a dip. ♥ naomi

beautiful smelling honeysuckle candle, now next to my bed, and a gorgeous to do list pad, now on our fridge. i've already written naomi and beth a little note using it, now i just need to write a shopping list down. groceries of course... but maybe a few items from goddess too ♥ rosemary, bob, holly and cody.

thai day spa indulgence for two. i'm hoping to take kahli and we will both be treated to a one hour massage, a facial and a foot spa. i'm also slightly excited by the promise of handmade spring rolls between each treatment. ♥ miranda and scott (also known as mum and dad)

the wisdom of women book. i think this will be another beautiful book and it was given to me by a beautiful friend. i read that this book positively sparkles with womanly warmth and humour which i like the sound of. hopefully some of that sparkle will rub off onto me. ♥ ashley

a soft scarf in earthy tones. although it's not this exact scarf i am rather in love with mine and i've worn it countless times since my birthday. like this one, mine also has shades of cream, brown and lilac. ♥ anna 

i am such a lucky girl, i mean, woman...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

brights and bedrooms

even though it's getting chillier outside, i still want a bright summery bed spread. 
i always have all white and so i get envious of friends brightly coloured ones and
am drawn to beauties like these. i might have to hit the end of financial year sales...

cold outside

brrr it's cold outside tonight, and windy! 
beth loves wind but i'd rather feel the sun on my skin.
i don't know if it was just tonight but it's certainly getting colder.
it was one degree in canberra today! they showed snow on the news
and now i have my heart set on going this year, hopefully in new zealand!
my parents went skiing in japan last year and saw snow monkeys but 
sadly, i think that's a little out of my reach savings wise...
have you switched wardrobes over yet? i think i'll be
bringing some winter clothes back from noosa next
time i'm home. wooly scarves await me! 


loving these prints by dear colleen

feels good

so true!
had a very productive first day back at work and am finally feeling motivated again. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

bananas for banana smoothies

i ♥ banana smoothies.
i had one with jenna last week when she bought me breakfast for my birthday.
i had one yesterday with naomi when we went for a walk along the river.
and i made one for myself and alyce this morning at home. 
it tasted amazing, the best and thickest i've ever made! 
i poured the left over smoothie into an ice block mould and 
am looking forward to having one by the pool on my next visit home.

today's smoothie consisted of:

2 frozen bananas
a handful of ice cubes
a spoonful of iron bark honey
some ground nutmeg


Sunday, April 8, 2012

happy easter

happy happy happy easter everyone!
i hope you had chocolate for breakfast, like me...
there's not much happening at our house today, alyce and i are home alone and entertaining ourselves.
the weather is grey and rainy although some blue sky is starting to show between the clouds.
we were going to walk to the farmers markets to work off some of the bunnies we devoured
but the rain ruined that plan. so now we are sitting on the couch eating more chocolate
in all of our gym gear. i've been skipping between rooms for some exercise but 
it's just occurred to me that perhaps that's just all the sugar!
have an eggsquisite day! (couldn't resist!)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

family favourite

dinner tonight is an absolute favourite of mine... lasagne! 
i never have it unless i'm at home for some reason, almost
like i'm saving myself for mum or dad's homemade one. 
i always request it when i'm here and mum even rang me
on thursday to ask if i felt like it. let me think, yes please!
the oven is about four metres away from me and it smells
amazing. in fact, dad is taking it out of the oven right now...

p.s. how cute and delicious looking are these!

back in time

wishing everyone sunny blue skies and some quality beach and pool time this easter. 
i'm headed to the pool with a birthday book right now. 
i wish i had some pretty vintage togs to wear.
take me back... 

february photo a day challenge

at long last, here are all the photos i took and 'instagramed' in february. 
i realised early on that it really was a challenge! first, you'll notice there are
only twenty eight photos, not twenty nine. that's because i completely 
missed day twenty four. not such a bad thing though, our bathroom 
cupboard has been a little disorganised ever since we moved in! second (and
i hate admitting this!) i was forced to cheat more than once! sometimes life 
would completely get in the way of my photo a day plans and i'd have to play
catch up and take the photo the following day. this happened more than once!
third, it is extremely hard to be creative when you work all day long and then
head straight home in the dark. i didn't have the time to think of cute and 
quirky ideas. on some days i just wanted to get it out of the way so took a snap
of the object nearest to me! hence why my photo collection is a bit random, 
just look at the bunnings hoses and bins! fourth, i'd often remember to check the 
photo topic too late. for example, on day eight i checked my list at 8:25pm
when i was working back yet again. sadly, that day's photo was meant to 
be of the sun which had well and truly set for the day. the next best thing
were the rows of fluorescent lights above me. how bad is that! if i only i had 
remembered, i could have ducked out side and taken something far more
beautiful earlier in the day. so i'm a bit disappointed in my collection.  
despite all of this though, they do tell a story. february was a busy month 
with lots of long hours at work. when i wasn't flat out at there, i was 
flat out with life! not much has changed, which is why i haven't attempted 
to take part in the march or april challenges! if i do it again, i will be
much more organised and creative. i'll also apply the same filter every time 
so they look much nicer when i come to put them together on here! 

1. your view today... i was working huge hours at the time that i started the photo challenge. i can't even remember what on now but i had been at work for twelve hours, the third time that week i think. my view at the time (and almost every day of my life) was of my keyboard. not the most inspiring image to begin with!

 2. words... the words 'everything happens for a reason' have influenced my life in more ways than one. i believe that most things, not everything, happens for a reason. i was inspired by these words at the time of creating my blog so used the quote as my blog name! i've always loved writing and most days (less often of late) i come here and write down all kids of words. 

3. hands... this was taken one friday at after work drinks. because i was the one taking the photo i could only manage to get one hand in! i had coral nail polish and my vintage ring on at the time. 

4. stranger... the next day we went out for breakfast and i decided to take my photo of a stranger there. although this guy, who was sitting at a table outside, was a stranger, he looked strangely familiar... he was a total robert pattinson (edward from twilight!) look-a-like. i felt very creepy taking this sneaky shot.  


5. 10am... blue sky bliss. i think it had been rainy and grey the few days before but i can't remember now. this photo reminds me of beth's blog which is named blue skies and blue eyes. 

6. dinner...  happened to be a pear and walnut salad topped with parmesan and balsamic. delish! also very photo worthy as rarely make dinner at home. seeing me in the kitchen preparing a meal (baking excluded) is a rare occurrence, just ask beth! 

7. button... this is where things started to go downhill creativity wise! i blame being in an office environment all day and night! had absolutely no buttons in sight except for the one in the lift on my way out so had no choice. plus b is for button which i liked. 

8. sun... here is the photo from my tragic story earlier. i simply did not go outside all day this day and then when i realised that my photo was meant to be of the beautiful sun, it was pitch black outside. such a waste, this could have been a lovely photo but it's the best i could come up with! maybe it is a creative take on the sun after all! 

9. front door... oh! this photo just reminded me why i was working long hours, i was going to fiji and had a million and one things to do before i left. this is me about to enter through the front door of our plane. i love this photo because i look happy, relaxed and excited for the trip, which i was!

10. self portrait... taken on the balcony of my room before heading to lunch with everyone. i love the lush greenery behind me, it rained the whole time we were there so it looked and felt very tropical. believe it or not, i only took one photo and this was it.

11. makes you happy... weddings make me happy, especially those of people i love. this is my beautiful friend linda and her husband rob leaving the chapel after there marriage ceremony. rob is holding their marriage certificate upside down which made me smile.  

12. inside your closet... back in brisbane and here is a peak at what's inside my closet. when you open my wardrobe up i have a chest of draws inside and on top of it i keep my jewellery and perfumes. i love my gorgeous cat ring holder that matt's mum gave me. this photo makes me a bit sad as i think i've lost at least half of the earrings on display here!

13. blue... by chance i happened to wear a blue flower print dress on this day as the sun was shining that morning and i felt like wearing something to match. i took this photo just before hopping in my car and heading to work. 

14. heart... i haven't spoken about it at all on here but six months ago my heart was breaking more and more each day and as a result my six year relationship ended. the time between then and now has been an extremely difficult one and it's something i've kept from sharing for so many different reasons. i really wanted to keep my blog as a happy place and source of inspiration. on valentines day i wore a cream lace top and my tiffany and co heart necklace to work which made me feel a little romantic-esque.    

15. phone... i often marvel at the wonderful world of the iphone. as much as it takes over my life and despite it being permanently in my hands (just ask my family) i think it's an amazing little device as it keeps me connected with friends all over the globe. with instagram i could see the world through beth's eyes as she travelled through hong kong and then europe. this was one of her photos that i took a photo of for day fifteen. it was her valentines day and there were men all over the city carrying flowers for their wives and girlfriends as they made their journey home from work.

16. something new... another waste of a photo! of all the new things i could have found, bought and photographed. it would have been the perfect excuse to go shopping. instead the only new thing i came across this day was the entire contents of a bunnings store when i was there to buy lightbulbs. i'm sure shopping at bunnings will be just as exciting as new clothes when i own my own home. 

17. time... this was taken at home time on this day as i approached my car. i had managed to leave work a little earlier and i was rather excited that it wasn't completely dark yet and that i wasn't one of the only ones left in the car park. 

18. drink... this corona was well deserved in my opinion! i had helped friends clean their old place, move out and then move into their new place. after a weekend full of hard work and heavy lifting, a cold beer had never looked or tasted so good. (never thought i would say that!)

19. something you hate to do... on this afternoon we went to the cricket (which isn't the thing i hate to do! it was my first time) but it did end in a misunderstanding and tears. i hate (awful word) that a nice day was ruined because i was rash in my reaction to something very small and harmless. i can be good at being too emotional, especially when too many beers are involved. this is something i don't like to do. i'm sure lots of other people took a photo of their washing or something but sadly this was my mine.   

20. handwriting... i love handwritten cards and notes and this is a thank you card that beth left beside my bed when she left for her big trip. she is such a thoughtful person, friend and housemate. 

21. a favourite photo of you... i adore this photo. it has lived on the fridge in my last two houses. kahli and i spent our lives in this pool when we were in our early teens and these afternoons were without a doubt the best of my life. we look young and happy, the water looks beautiful, we both braces and we are in an identical position with our arms out in front and our feet poking out of the water behind us. it's such a nice reminder of how close we are (people thought we were twins!) and of a time in our lives when we had so much less to worry about. a favourite by far. 

22. where you work... on this day i actually wasn't at work, i was at a corporate golf day which raised money for charity. this was one of the few times i actually played, it wasn't long before i retired to the buggy and just drove around watching! i love working for virgin australia, even more so on days like this!

23. your shoes... for the past few months i've been attempting to wear heels as much as possible. you feel taller, more confident, more professional and all of your outfits look ten times better with a pair of heels on. these creamy beige ones are super comfortable and i just so happened to be wearing them on day twenty three. 

24. green... oh green, how i love you. green is my favourite colour (think deep forest or emerald green), even though i don't actually own anything in green. this weekend i was in sydney and the ocean at manly looked green, not blue. it was a stunning day and it felt good to be doing something different. 


25. night... it's no secret that i'm a night owl, not an early bird. this night i was staying up late again (blogging!) and the time was 11:11pm which you can see in the top right of my laptop. our family sees this time all the time (i know we're not the only ones either) and i can't help but think 11:11! when i see it thanks to mum and others announcing it loudly and excitedly for as long as i can remember.  

26. something you ate... this is a childhood favourite of mine that has become a regular dinner option in my adulthood when i'm home alone. i feel nostalgic when i 'make' it and can't wait to introduce my children to it, and not just because it's easy i promise! we called it a pirates eye in our household but i know others call it a toad in a hole. my favourite part is the little round circle of bread, so yum! to make, butter both sides of a slice of bread, use a glass (or cookie cutter, a heart shaped one would be super cute!) to cut a hole in the centre. then place the bread in a pan over the stove and crack an egg into the hole. add the little circle of bread to the pan too. then, after a minute or two, flip and leave to cook for as long as you wish. longer for well cooked and less for runny. bon appétit friends! 

27. money... i wish i had more of it. this is me holding some fijian coins. after my trip i still had them in my wallet and because they look so similiar to australian coins i handed them over to pay for a coffee more than once! now they live in my draw at work where i they can't confuse me!

28. something you're listening to... the radio. i go through phases of loving the radio, then i like to only listen to mixed cds i have made and then sometimes i just want complete silence. february was a radio month. my brother likes to make fun of me for listening to nova too much and not stations like triple j. i'm far too mainstream for his liking. if there is ever a good song or segment of talking on when i arrive at my destination i'll always stay in the car listening until it finishes. 

so that's it! if you took the time to not only look at the photos but read each little blurb, well done! i didn't realise each one would require such an explanation but without it you might be left wondering 'i wonder why she took that for that topic' and no one likes not being let in on the story. well i don't anyway! if i do it again, maybe i'll leave an air of mystery and the meanings to your own imagination...

happy snapping to everyone doing the april photo a day challenge. while i am loving watching from afar, i am relieved to have one less thing on my to do list!