Monday, March 21, 2011

21 today

a big happy birthday to matt, or 'brother matt' as he has become known in our family since 'boyfriend matt' arrived on the scene. i can not believe he is 21 today. where did all of those years go? it feels like it wasn't that that long ago that we lived under the one roof and fought over who got to eat the last bowl of cereal or who's turn it was to pack the dishwasher. now we live in different cities and only really get to see each other at christmas time. i hope it's not always like this as i love having him around. every time i look at matt or alyce i'm reminded of a childhood memory that the three of us share. i wonder when they'll stop feeling like kids to me and more like the adults that they are becoming and are. one thing is for sure, the older i get the stronger the bond i feel towards them. i simply adore my brother and sister. all i want is for them to be happy and out of harms way. i look at dad and his sisters and mum and her sisters and they are all so close, bound by endless shared memories, history and blood. i really hope we can have that same relationship thirty years from now. i can't tell you how proud of matt i am. he is adventurous, daring, funny, helpful, polite, handsome, family orientated, active, smart and independent to name a few. he joined the navy one year after finishing school, something he has always wanted to do, and i never tire of hearing about (thanks to my endless questions) his days there. i carry around my navy drink bottle most places i go, just as my dad wears his navy hat, drinks coffee from his navy mug and sips beer that is kept cold thanks to his navy stubby holder. it was so good to see matt this weekend and i'm so glad he could make grandad's funeral. it was comforting to have us all there together. we took the last minute opportunity to celebrate his coming of age with a combined get together for our cousin holly's birthday at rosies house on saturday night with all of the family. it was a fun night and we all laughed hard as we enjoyed too much birthday cake and took turns in attempting to hoola hoop. after this weekend and grandad's funeral service i feel even more grateful to be a part of my family. to be able to say that my not-so-little brother is 21 today is something i'm really excited about. it really is a special birthday and i hope he has a wonderful day all the way down in wagga. p.s. although i love matt to death, i wasn't always so keen on having a brother. when he was born i was very put out at the amount of attention no longer reserved for me. on the day that i met him in the hospital i wore a big frown and a pink t-shirt that said 'daddy's little girl' on it. talk about sibling rivalry from a young age!

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