Tuesday, September 11, 2012

real food festival

i whisked beth away for a weekend on the coast this sunny saturday and sunday.
it was so much fun, especially our day at the maleny real food festival. there were 
heaps of stalls showcasing fresh, local produce and beth and i made the most of the
taste testers... even going back for more when the stall holder wasn't looking! we
 sampled strawberries, cheese, olive oil, caramelised balsamic vinegar, dukkah, 
watermelon (as well as fig) fairy floss, freshly cooked haloumi, dips, jams, sauces, 
spreads (like lemon or passionfruit butter), chocolate, nuts (not for beth though 
who is alergic, despite me offering her something that contained nuts various 
times throughout the day!), salted butter, creamed honey and lots, lots more. 
for lunch we each had a mini gourmet sausage (lamb, mint and rosemary for 
beth and beef, tomato and basil for me) on fresh mini bread rolls with homemade
chunky tomato sauce. we sat together on a bail of hay with our yummy jamie
oliver style snags and homemade lemonade and people watched for a while. 
then it was time for more wandering... and eating! this time we tried more of 
all of the above, as well as indulged in anzac biccis, chocolate coated strawberries 
and strawberry parfait (we enjoyed lots of strawberries that day!). it really was 
a fun day out. apart from getting so full that we actually stopped accepting taste 
tests, we also got to hold a baby duckling and baby chicken! my kind of day ♥

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