Tuesday, August 14, 2012

in focus

is it just me, or do you sometimes (ok, frequently!) feel like the things you see or read are speaking directly to you about something that is going on in your life? i know it's silly, and it's probably because the articles i read are generic enough to apply to everyone but it still amazes me regardless and always feels like some kind of sign. the other day i picked up a cosmo magazine of naomi's and page after page related to an area of my life... namely to do with relationships of course, as cosmopolitain does best, but still! just this week, i went to a blog that i rarely ever visit and read a post about how the young woman went through a really hard, low time when she was in her mid twenties. then no more than twenty minutes later, beth and i were emailing about how we were experience a similar thing. it was like i had read that post at the perfect time. then there is star signs. nine times out of ten my star signs are spot on. i still haven't worked out how they do that! this weeks read 'something is stressing you out, hemming you in, winding you up, getting you down'. um, yes! the good news is that apparently it is going to disappear in the next couple of weeks, which funnily enough, it feels like this is happening. during the week i collected a heap of weekend paper magazines from work (sunday magazine, q weekend, the sunday times magazine, wish from the australian and more). i always like to have a flick through these when i can, they are the best part of the paper in my opinion, shhh! tonight i picked up one off the stack and opened it to the first page. of course the editors letter happened to be all about happiness. a topic close to mine, and presumably everyone's, heart. beth and i had a lovely dinner date tonight and spent most of our time talking about this very thing. in fact, i spend most of my time thinking about it, trying to work out how to find it. i don't know why, but when this kind of thing happens, i always think to myself 'the universe is telling me something'. if only i knew what! for those who are interested, some of the article read... remember when 'happy' was just something you were. good days, bad days, happy days, sad days - all jumbled in a life you lived rather than thought about. today happiness is a commodity; a 'goal', a 'revolution', a 'project'. it's what we want we want for ourselves and our children. "yes, please," we'd say to the doctor if she could vaccinate against sadness, along with the usual measles and mumps. anything to immunise ourselves against pain and unease. interesting indeed and something i agree with. she then goes on to talk about the book the happiness project. this made me smile even more as i receive an email every day from the happiness project lady with a daily happiness quote. (i don't recommend subscribing though as i can hardly ever make sense of them!) so am i alone in this thinking? or do you ever smile at yourself over similar things? i hope so! p.s. this picture is stolen from kahli's blog. it's currently my desktop screen saver. maybe it's working!

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