Friday, June 17, 2011

spot the difference

america is so much fun, i don't want to leave. i've had a great two days so far, playing the role of a typical tourist perfectly. i wonder if people notice that we are from australia when they hear us talk, in the same way that we can pick up an american accent from a million miles away. probably not. i really want to experience all the different states and keep noticing the differences and similarities between here and home. you always know that it's going to be different no matter where you go in the world but it still doesn't change how you feel when you start to experience these things or sights for the first time. california seems very american to me, which might sound silly seeing as we are in america but it's the only way i can explain it. the people, the food, the conversations, the cars, the landscape. i could go on forever. you can't help but think to yourself, this is different or why don't they do it like we do. here are some mental notes that i've made so far...

paper bags instead of plastic
cars driving on opposite sides of the road to us
drivers on the left hand side
police cars that look fake
yellow school buses 
big freeways
big suv cars everywhere
american accents everywhere
very different food
bigger servings
lots of cheese
ketchup instead of tomato sauce
fries instead of chips
soda instead of soft drink
bagels instead of toast for breakfast
21 instead of 18 to buy a drink
fairy floss is called cotton candy
terrible coffee compared to what we are used to
no chocolate on top of cappuccinos
good service and tipping in return
everything is cheaper
different brand names
things you recognise from tv and movies
street signs that look the same as ours
toilets that flush the same as on an aeroplane
different time zone to home
paper money and one cent pieces
american looking and sounding 'moms'
finally, everyone here seems to be slightly disney obsessed

... and now i kind of am too!

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