Monday, January 10, 2011

more blog talk

what i keep trying to remind myself!
i was held up at work tonight, in fact i'm still here waiting to approve things, so i thought i'd fill in some time by going blog hunting! as a result i am now following 11 new ones! while this is highly exciting and i have loads of reading and exploring and admiring to do, they did make my little old blog feel quite uninspiring and inadequate in comparison. some of the photography and creativity and writing on other blogs is just amazing. i particularly love blogs that contain pregnancies, babies, weddings, houses, animals and photography. and most of those things i have none of. one day. i should spend more time thinking of my posts and finding beautiful imagery to accompany what ever words come to me on the day. it's amazing how big the blog world is and how so many link to one another or reference each other. some blogs have been going for years too! one thing that i love about blogs, especially personal ones, is that they track a persons life. you can literally follow someones life journey like jo, from a cup of jo. her blog goes way back, with my favourite posts spanning across her engagement, wedding, honeymoon, pregnancy, new baby, home and beyond. it's lovely that she and so many other people are sharing their lives on the world wide web for people like me to peer in and admire from afar. very inspiring stuff.


  1. I found this one the other day Jess , it's kinda cute!
    I am blog obsessed - I follow a few hundred :) Love them!

  2. thanks ec! (just saw this btw - blog comments aren't like facebook notifications!) i'll check that link out. there are so many out there. i have blog envy everyday and wondering if my blog is boring and self indulgent being all about me and my life. so do you still do yours? if so pleeeease share it with me. x
