holidays, where have you gone? it feels like you have passed me in the blink of an eye. i haven't done nearly as many things that i had planned! yesterday was perfect though, dad, matt, alyce, elliot and i drove to double island point along the beach in dad's pride and joy, the landrover that he has basically rebuilt. the weather was stunning, hot and sunny just how i like it. we were a little late getting to the beach after low tide so it was a little bit scary driving along the beach with the water at our sides but we made it. at our destination we played bocce, swam, read books, lay in the sun (with sunscreen on!), thought about happiness and what 2012 will bring, slid down a huge dune on a boogie board (ok i didn't because i am a big scardy cat but everyone else did, i did however run up and down the dune about 5 times), took in the beautiful view of rainbow beach, went for a walk to the point to watch matt surf, had fresh chicken and avo wraps for lunch, kept hydrated with lots of water and watermelon, listened to chilled out music and just enjoyed every moment of the day. today we have even more beautiful weather however i have spent most of the morning indoors washing and packing up, ready for my return to brisbane. i shouldn't be too sad, i'm not going back to work just yet. instead i'll have some time to see friends before flying to newcastle for new years. i just hope the next few days don't go by as fast as the last few have! i just love summer holidays!
my summer holiday mantra that i'm trying my best to do!