my actual birthday on friday was so much fun. as someone who doesn't mind the occasional limelight i was made to feel super special and loved and that's what made it such a good day.
i woke up early and went to pick matt up for our breakfast date.
when i got to his house he was actually waiting out the front.
that was a present in itself as i feel like i'm forever waiting for him!
we had a delicious breakfast (mine was not so nutritious though) and a cappuccino together.
i got to open my present and card, the card first of course. inside i read...
'i'm so lucky to have a beautiful girl like you in my life. i would be lost without you!'
very sweet and sometimes true. next i opened my present, a beautiful blue case filled with all kinds of estée lauder goodness. make up, skin care, perfume... what more could a girl want!
and at last, a girly present from matt. something it's taken me a few years to achieve.
he really was gorgeous, telling me all about each product and the process he went through to choose it.
then it was time for work. when i walked in my whole team was wearing party hats and yelled out a loud 'happy birthday' for the whole office to hear. i was so shocked, it felt like a mini surprise party.
my desk was covered in a happy birthday sign, balloons and streamers. my phone, computer, keyboard and mouse were also wrapped in streamers which conveniently made it difficult to do any work straight away. instead i replied to my birthday messages from my lovely friends and family.
our normally empty lolly container was full and i was given a cactus in a gorgeous turquoise pot and a bright pink birthday girl badge to wear for the day.

as i took everything in i noticed that there were pictures of cats and kittens everywhere.
my computer even had whiskers. i was presented with a card that had a white fluffy cat on the front (sound familiar?), a mug with a kitten on the front and my friend danielle had made cat cupcakes!
again, what more could i want on my birthday but than to be surrounded by cats!
we went for our morning coffee and then sat down to enjoy cake, all before 9am. not only did i have chocolate cat cup cakes, alice had made an amazing sponge cake. she was telling me once that her dad makes a killer sponge and i told her that it was my favourite kind of cake. well her dad has taught her extremely well because it was so so so good. fresh cream, jam, sponge, fresh strawberries.
already i felt extremely spoilt by the gorgeous girls and boy at work. the effort they went to really was unexpected and i am very lucky to work with such thoughtful people. plus i think they enjoyed it too! after unwrapping the streamers from most of things on my desk and doing some work it was time to head off for a sushi lunch at ginga in the valley. i love sushi and ginga is a great place to go.
the afternoon was spent discovering more cats. the girls had put cat pictures in all kinds of hidden places. i would open my book in a meeting and there would be one. then i'd open my draw to get a pen and there would be one. it really did go on all day as the girls promised!
that afternoon, just when we thought we couldn't eat anything else, we had some cheese, dip and biscuits and then the countdown for 5 was on. luckily it came quickly!
after we finished work a small group of us met up for a drink at the waterloo which was really nice.
they kindly helped me smuggle some clear straws out as we left as i couldn't find any for my cocktail party. how cool is that! so that was my morning and day at work.
all in all just lots of birthday fun. if only birthdays happened more often!